UVSS Catering and Conferences Safe Space Plan

Meeting in-person these days has come with new challenges and at the University of Victoria Students’ Society, we have come up with new solutions to make sure that you are able to do so safely. We have evolved our previous standards to create new protocols that better suit the unique difficulties faced in our current health conscious environment.

Staff Training and Preparedness

The University of Victoria Students’ Society is constantly updating our COVID-19 Safety Plan as per the WorkSafe BC Safety Plan, and all staff have been trained on many new protocols including sanitization stations throughout the building and wearing Personal Protective Equipment.

Meeting Room Set-ups

Each of our meeting rooms in the Student Union Building have many options that allow for physical distancing and can suit the needs of each group. Examples of our modified COVID-19 floor plans can be viewed here.

Sanitization Stations

Sanitization Stations are set up throughout the hallways of the Student Union Building and in each meeting room.

Social Distancing

The University of Victoria Students’ Society COVID-19 Safety Plan ensures that all guests in the Student Union Building have space to safely physically distance from one another. Directional floor markers, rearranged seating, protective barriers and educational signage are used to encourage all people to remain at least 6 feet (2 metres) apart.


The Catering and Conference department offers a limited menu for meeting and pickup orders. We offer a modified self-serve or full-service option for our catering meals and coffee breaks to accommodate your comfort level.